Company Profile
Name:  Fresh Prints
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About Frontier

Frontier is a subsidiary of FreshPrints. FreshPrints is a New York based, fast-growing, fully-remote, 150-person company that has most of our team in India and Philippines. A few years ago FreshPrints started helping other fast-growing companies build their teams. We got so good at it that we decided to spin out a new company to focus exclusively on that and call it Frontier.

Here at Frontier, we help companies grow full-time, cross-functional teams abroad. We hire the smartest people, and we place them into the best companies. In three years, we’ve never lost a client.

If you like one of the Frontier roles, and you apply, and you’re accepted, we’ll screen you with a couple of internal interviews, and will work on getting you an interview for a full-time job within the month.

Think of us as your personal talent agent, and good luck with the application.

Open jobs at Fresh Prints